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Successful CPD in Bordeaux

The 18 participants achieved a lot in the four days in Bordeaux: after various inputs, they went through all the steps of Design-Based Thinking in fixed working groups. These included: – Describing the challenge for scenarios – Finding ideas for…

Test run of the COOL exhibition

During the reveal14 conference in September 2022, we had the pleasure of introducing the innovative COOL exhibition concept, setting the stage for the final conferences of the Climate Box and my e-Start projects. The COOL exhibition brought together projects and…

CPD in Bordeaux coming soon

The course is getting closer and we will meet with 18 professionals from the partner institutions for the COOL course “Facilitators for Open Learning” on 17 The programme is very varied and includes inputs on the main topics as well…

The five Phases of DBCL

The COOL project is based, among other things, on the DBCL approach – Design-Based Collaborative Learning.  The DBCL approach is designed to support the education and training of disadvantaged groups, empowering them as social innovators to tackle the challenges of…

Save the Date – COOL and REVEAL14

We are pleased to announce that we will be part of the REVEAL14 conference taking place in Göttingen in September. We will be using the COOL exhibition concept to showcase European and local projects and initiatives with their tangible products…

First partner meeting in Göttingen

On 11 and 12 April, the COOL partners finally met in person in Göttingen, Germany. The main topics were the further development of the COOL exhibition and the exchange and planning of the training course (CPD) for learning and development…

Virtual Kick-off meeting 16.02.2022

The first partner meeting was a meeting of old acquaintances and new partners. They are all united by the will to create innovative learning opportunities for disadvantaged adults that foster learners’ creativity and potential and give them space to their…