Promoting women's physical activity in Kaunas district - for the development of women's sport in Lithuania

In order to bridge the gap between women and men in sport and in life, the project aims to engage women from different generations in sport and to increase the focus on gender equality in sport. The aim is for participants to become ambassadors for active lifestyles, to share ideas about the benefits of physical activity with family members, friends and colleagues and to continue physical activity after the project.
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Challenge Tackled
How to reduce gender inequality in sport and promote physical activity among women in Kaunas district?
Target group, beneficiaries or clients
Women from Kaunas district of three generations: 12+ girls, women under 55 years old and 55+
Regular physical activity programme with educational elements in Kaunas district tailored for women.
Various and attractive physical activities such as regular exercises, sports festivals, hiking, swimming pool practice, etc. are combined with lectures, consultations, discussions on topics of interest to women, physical activity and wellbeing.
Participants will become ambassadors for an active lifestyle and continue their physical activity beyond the project.
Unique Selling Point
The motivation to take part in physical activity will be passed on from one generation of women to the next. Women will become role models for the younger generation.
Building sense of community by such activities as sport trips, festivals, Flashmobs including educational elements and promoting gender equality in sports.
In addition, family, friends and colleagues will be informed about the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.
Impact (Planned)
Improved health and physical activity among women.
More women in the district involved in sport.
Increased support from family members.
Increased motivation to continue physical activity after the project.
It can be easily adapted and transferred to any target group to solve various challenges. For example, to migrants in order to promote their physical activity and integrate them into communities.
More about the project:
Success stories of women in Lithuanian language: