Do you know that you can reach sustainability with only one click?
Unfortunately, sustainability is not an easy and accessible thing for everybody, because of such concerns as environmental pollution, sustainability awareness, and packaging waste, a lack of environmental education and difficulties of local communities’ networking. The latest online platform allows “Sustainable Box” to provide everybody with open learning of sustainability. More than a packaging, “Sustainable Box” symbolize the simplicity of becoming “eco-packed” at any time.
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Challenge Tackled
How to make sustainability simple and accessible for everybody
Target group, beneficiaries or clients
Everybody who has an interest in sustainability
Everybody who wants to learn more about the topic
Everybody who wants to make their own life more sustainable
People who want to improve their community/city/neighbourhood/…
A start up focusing on sustainability and how to bring it to the people. The business will offer an online platform that contains attractive guides and toolkits about a multitude of topics regarding sustainability that can be explored on your own time. The business will also offer workshops on specific sustainability topics for individuals, as well as for neighbourhoods/communities/cities/etc. To make money the business will offer “Sustainability Boxes” that can be ordered. These boxes are topic-specific (like cleaning, cooking, etc.) and will contain sustainable products as well as manuals/guides regarding this specific topic to make the start into sustainability easier.
Unique Selling Point
The combination of selling sustainable products as well as teaching people about sustainability
Creation of prepared boxes (in sustainable, maybe reusable) packaging with products and helpful tips regarding the topic
Provide everyone, including disadvantaged groups with simple ways to learn about sustainability.