
Competence oriented open learning for disadvantaged learners

Carrying the Songs

Inis Mór to Istanbul404 people in 50 languages in 29 countries connected throughout the pandemic lockdown.

In March 2020, a young storyteller Liam Ó Flaithearta of Inis Mór told a story to his father, who told it to his daughter, who told it to another islander … and so on. This was the start of the project ‘Carrying the Songs’, a giant game of Chinese Whispers in which a story and drawing were passed from person to person across Europe. A drawing is making the same journey. Listen to the stories and watch the drawing change.

  1. Challenge Tackled
    • This project, bases on the game Chinese whispers, explores notions of memory, sense of place, language, communication and rumour, landscape and migration.

  2. Target group, beneficiaries or clients
    • Professional artists

    • Professional story tellers

    • Public participants who retell the story

    •  The general public – cultural consumers

  3. Unique Selling Point
    • The story is told by 404 storytellers throughout 29 countries in 50 languages. All versions are available on Soundcloud.

    • Animated movie available that shows the evolution of the drawing that travelled together with the story

  4. Feasibility/Transferability
    • The game is very straight forward and can be easily introduced in a new setting.