
Only 1% of entrepreneurs of global average who apply to a business incubation program is accepted. There are cities without business incubators. There are cities with business incubators but fewer applications. Based on such statistics data, we came to the acceptance problem. Nowadays, our mission at Conesult is to make our business incubation program open and accessible to all dreamers. Our coach is our community, and our business incubation program is integrated and automated within our platform.
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Challenge Tackled
Entrepreneurial education has limited access, time wise and moneywise. Practise – that is what you need as a priority. Only practical experience can provide progress.
Target group, beneficiaries or clients
First time and early entrepreneurs who do not have experience/skills and without the team.
Open/digital/personal business incubator with integrated entrepreneurial educational content accessible to all.
Digital business incubation programme accessible to all.
Unique Selling Point
Our coaches – our community. We can consult each other. Everyone deserves feedback and professional consultation.
Everyone is unique, and the ideas are unique as well. Conesult gives opportunity to everyone make his or her business idea get real in a unique way, which is more effective for the case.
The digital incubator has no limitations regarding access, time and money what attracts more and more entrepreneurs to join Conesult community.