
START – educational tourism

Want to study or work abroad but before you go, you want to get to know the country and its culture, living conditions, universities and job opportunities?

Gain unforgettable experience abroad and career guidance in one place. Our organization provides it all – career consultations, travel packages, educational excursions and work-related visits and much more.

Challenge Tackled

Youth unemployment. 

Target group, beneficiaries or clients

12-18 years old youth

Family members


Career guidance to prepare young people for studying and working abroad.

Career orientation organised in foreign country will provide broader study and job opportunities.

Youth together with the family members get to know the living, studying or working conditions, learn about cultural specificities.


Educational tourism has the dual benefit of giving young people and their parents the opportunity to learn about career opportunities and other cultures through excursions. 

Unique Selling Point

Educational tourism gives a close-up view of country’s education and labour system, culture and living conditions. 


Making it easier for young people to choose a career path, reducing unemployment and helping them to learn about cultural diversity.